전시기획 백승우「Walking on the Line 도시의 경계를 걷다」@Centre A




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when 2015.11.26 – 2016.02.20
where  Centre A

Curated by IANN 김정은 편집장

벤쿠버 Centre A와 벤쿠버 비엔날레의 초청으로 백승우 개인전 < Walking on the Line>이 벤쿠버 Centre A 갤러리에서 열린다. 이번 전시는 백승우의 ‘Re-establishing Shot’, ‘18 Buildings’ 시리즈를 선보인다.  또한 벤쿠버 비엔날레의 일환으로 작가가 지난 2년간 여러 차례 벤쿠버를 방문하며 준비한 <Cross Vancouver>프로젝트도 함께 공개된다. 이는 현대사회의 이방인이자 관찰자인 백승우가 벤쿠버 도시경관과 그 이면을 사진으로 재해석하고 아카이빙하는 장기 프로젝트로 여러 인종과 문화, 언어가 공존하는 벤쿠버의 지역성을 조명한다. 벤쿠버의 주요 교차로를 중심으로 촬영한 작품들은 촬영된 장소의 사인보드와 투어버스 외관에 설치되어 자유롭게 관람객을 맞이한다. 한편 IANNBOOKS 에서는 포켓사이즈로 제작한 ‘Walking on the Line’의 전시도록과 엽서 형식으로 개별 이미지를 연결시킨 작품집 ’18 Buildings’를 전시에 맞춰 출간한다.


Through large-scale re-assemblages of his ongoing photographic documentation of urban environments and architectural structures, Seung Woo Back investigates the precarious nature of the medium of photography offering an opportunity to gain a fresh perspective regarding our relationship to our built environment. As the exhibition’s curator Jeong Eun Kim suggests, the work in this exhibition urges a consideration of the affects of the standardization of built environments and the relationship between monotony, alienation and contemporary nomadism.

In this, Back’s first solo exhibition in Canada, Centre A seeks not only to initiate an inquiry into how to build a dialogue between contemporary photo practices in Asia and Vancouver, but also to give perspective on the transformation of our own urban environment, and to question its effects.

Walking on the Line will be accompanied by two new publications.

Born in Daejon, South Korea, Seung Woo Back is currently living and working in Seoul. He holds a B.F.A. and M.F.A. in Photography from ChungAng University and, in 2005, received an additional M.F.A. in Fine Art and Theory at Middlesex University in London. Back has been featured internationally in both solo and group exhibitions in galleries across Asia, Europe, and North America. His work not only examines photography as a medium, but also as a means for which to manipulate and alter the putative truth of the archival. In the Summer of 2014 he participated in an artist in residency arranged by Vancouver Biennale.

Jeong Eun Kim is an independent curator based in Seoul, South Korea. Founder and chief editor for the acclaimed bi-annual contemporary art photography magazine, IANN, she has worked extensively in the field of photography including as chief coordinator for the Daegu Photo Biennale 2012, and curator of the Seoul Photo Festival 2010. Currently she teaches at Kaywon University of Art and Design while pursuing her PhD at Middlesex University in London.

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